Today's doodle of google
Today's doodle of google


Google’s vibrantly colored video features iconic landmarks from the highway, like the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge in Missouri, the Cadillac Ranch in Texas, and the Golden Driller statue in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Route 66 was decommissioned in 1985, but several parts were preserved as state or national Scenic Byways, says Google. Today, the route is still a popular path for travelers hoping to experience the “ultimate road trip” and explore American history. The highway, which connects Chicago to Santa Monica, California, allowed displaced families to move out West during the Dust Bowl and served as inspiration for John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath.” Route 66 was built in 1926 and “made cross-country travel affordable for the first time,” says Google in a news release. At the same time, 4,258 people have been cured so far.Google marks Earth Day with doodle showing stark impacts of the climate crisis


Corona virus updateĪt present, 681 people have died due to Coronavirus in India, and 21,393 people are infected with it. Before this also on 3rd April google had released the same doddle, showing the people performing different deeds to inspire the people to remain at home. Google doodle page is also showing a live map and bureau of Real-time Corona cases all over the world.

  • Also advised to Call in advance to local health authorities if you feel difficulty while breathing.
  • Don’t touch your eyes and mouth while hands are not clean.
  • Maintaining a distance from persons who are having symptoms like coughing and sneezing.
  • Washing hands often, using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Webpage possesses Do or Don’t- to prevent yourself from Corona.
  • On clicking that animated doodle the user is directed towards the page that possesses Coronavirus safety tips. Doodle will direct the user to corona safety Tips Google’s doodle shows that Coronavirus can be prevented by staying at home.


    At the same time, the word G is busy on the phone, L is doing workouts at home, and E is talking on the phone. In this, the word G is reading the book, O is singing the song and the other O is playing the guitar. Google’s special doodle has given doodle an animation. Also, the company has said that it is very important to stay home and make social distancing at this time. Now, the company has made another doodle, through which people have appealed to stay in the house till lockdown. Tech company Google has been making doodles for a long time to thank Corona Fighters. (Google India handle on twitter) This doodle was illustrated by British guest artist Robin Davey, in commemoration of St. Thank you, India, for saving lives by staying home. Stay home save lives, So to create awareness among the people on Thursday google came with the colorful doodle to inspire the people to ‘Stay home and Save Lives’.


    #GoogleDoodle → /1X30oC2aKT- Google Doodles April 20, 2020

    Today's doodle of google